4 thoughts on “Crossed Paths – Final Film Essai, 2014”

  1. Well done! We are very proud of you boys, you have put in so much time and hard work into this.

    All the best at the premiere in Edinburgh and ENJOY!

  2. I really enjoyed this. There were some lovely framed shots and the subtle story hung together really well. Had a feel of 70s French cinema to me. Well done and good luck!

  3. Congratulations everyone involved – really enjoyed the latest from the Nautical.
    A lovely 360 tracking shot at the end, beautifully timed and framed. Nice song too. Good luck with screenings etc…

  4. Lads, another triumph! Love the cinematography. Great simple story and brave choice to sing your way throught it. Fulfilled the brief perfectly and what lovely light and framing of the band at the end. Good luck in Scotland, wish I could be there! X

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